This is the FAQ page for HOBY Colorado! Here you will find all the answers to questions we receive most frequently regarding our annual June seminar. If for some reason your question is not answered on this page, email our Leadership Seminar Chair Hayden Hubbs (she/her) at
Must the students attend all days of the seminar?
Yes. If unable to attend all days of the seminar, we ask that you notify the school that selected your student so that they may send another individual in their place. We must insist that each student attend the entire program or else they do not get the full benefits of what we hope to bring to them during these few days. Each student is placed in a small group that depends on every individual to be present over the course of the four day seminar, without one ambassador, the group loses a vital part of its voice and character.
Will there be adequate adult supervision?
Unquestionably! HOBY programs have a minimum of 1 adult (21 years or older) for every 12 students at all times. Students are never left unattended or allowed to walk across campus or the seminar site without adult supervision.
What can I expect for the daily schedule at HOBY Colorado?
Please click here for a general overview of what our 2024 conference schedule looked like. Students will receive a completed schedule for the 2025 seminar upon arrival at the University of Denver.
May I observe the seminar or check on my child during the weekend?
We generally discourage having parents present during HOBY programs. This helps to encourage the students to find their voices without their usual adults present and step out of their comfort zones. You may have your child call you to check in via their personal cell phone at night. However, we ask that phone usage be kept at a minimum during the day. For emergencies, you will receive a contact number (prior to the event), to reach HOBY personnel.
Be sure to check our Facebook, Twitter, and other social media pages throughout the weekend for fun and informative updates!
Will my child be safe?
YES. HOBY has strict rules against hazardous activities and use of drugs, tobacco, alcohol etc. Students are closely supervised at all times. All volunteer staff MUST attend an intensive training regarding HOBY rules and procedures in addition to being briefed on University of Denver emergency procedures and will work with the Department of Campus Safety to ensure the security of the seminar throughout the weekend. Please be sure to sign the medical release (sent prior to the seminar), so any required treatment at a local facility is not delayed in case of emergency.
What if my child needs to take medication while at HOBY?
You will be asked to provide information about your child’s medication in the program materials sent to you in the weeks leading up to the program. You will also need to provide a doctor’s note.
May my student carpool with other students to the seminar?
Due to liability issues, HOBY cannot organize car pools or provide transportation to or from the seminar. However, you are free to contact other area schools to arrange for shared transportation with their participants.
Will my child need spending money?
We do provide a HOBY Colorado Store for souvenirs, such as T-shirts, sunglasses, pins and other items. We also sell HOBY Hugs, a "hot" item which your student will learn about at the seminar.
What should the student bring for the seminar?
Packing is fun! (It’s the unpacking that’s not so fun right?)
Some key things to remember while packing clothing:
We insist that clothing be appropriate according to HOBY guidelines, think school appropriate. This means skirts/dresses/shorts worn must be of proper length, and obviously nothing with obscene or profane print is acceptable.
You will be required to wear a HOBY T-shirt beginning immediately after registration/check-in until the last evening of the seminar. We strongly suggest you bring undershirts to wear beneath your HOBY T-shirt, and some Febreze or similar product if you feel your student will want/need it. Each student wears a t-shirt that denotes their group color, this is helpful to staff and students alike to identify their group as there will be over 200 students in attendance.
There will be two occasions when your student will not be wearing their HOBY T-shirt. One is during the student dance when they will have the opportunity to wear their own clothing. The style of dress appropriate for the dance is casual. The second occasion will be Sunday for the Closing Ceremony. Students and staff are asked to dress in business casual. Again it must be appropriate to the HOBY guidelines. No spaghetti strap clothing, items worn must be of the proper length, etc.
During our LIA (Leadership in Action) project, we ask that the students bring long pants/jeans and sneakers they don’t mind getting dirty.
Other items:
- Water Bottle
- Sunglasses
- Camera
- Towels
- Bedding (Including pillow)
- Small backpack or gym sack to carry their water bottle and items given to them including their program booklet.
Note: Students may bring their cell phones but they will be discouraged from using their phones during the programming and activities. If there is an emergency, a staff member will immediately contact the parents/guardians of the student.
What should I expect when I pick up my child at the end of the seminar?
HOBY is often referred to as a life-altering experience. Students explore various topics related to leadership and service over the course of these few days. They also take on leadership roles throughout the seminar by moderating panels and holding discussions on various topics. They meet students from across the state as well as interact with current local business and community leaders. They will most likely be exhausted and exhilarated at the same time and may not have much of a voice left! We encourage your child to share their experience at HOBY, as well as pursue what he or she hopes to accomplish as a result of their time with HOBY Colorado.
What if I haven’t received any additional information/registration materials?
By April we will have sent out a few emails already—if you haven't received these communications, there is a good chance that they are being added to your spam folder. Please contact us at and we will get you the registration materials ASAP.
Pre-Seminar Materials, (our title for ambassador specific registration information) will be sent to all registered participants at the beginning of April. These materials will be sent to the student email, parent/guardian email, as well as school counselor/administrator email that we have on file. If by the second week of April you have not received that information, please contact our co-Leadership Seminar Chairs, Hayden Hubbs, at or Gillian Beauchamp, at